
I am originally from Norfolk, Nebraska but I currently claim Lincoln as my home. I teach in a small rural school about 40 minutes north of Lincoln. I teach all levels of Spanish from 1 through AP starting in 9th grade.

It goes without saying that I love Spanish! Growing up, I was excited to take Spanish starting in 9th grade. I had an amazing Spanish 1 teacher, Sra. Hamm, who made me decide that I wanted to do something with Spanish in my future. It wasn’t until Spanish 2, where I had a teacher who was the total opposite, that made me decide I wanted to be a Spanish teacher. All the fun stuff we did with Sra. Hamm – watch videos, make posters, act out stories – went by the wayside as we completed textbook activities and worksheets, and played a very half-hearted game of BINGO every Tuesday. It was then that I said, I can do better, and started my journey to becoming a Spanish teacher.

I am now in my sixth year of teaching Spanish and honestly, it is my dream job. I love teaching Spanish, I love my students, and I love my school. This blog is to chronicle my journey as a teacher moving from grammar-based instruction to comprehensive input… and all my ridiculous adventures along the way.

Contact me!

Twitter: @SrtaJohnsonEBHS

Email: cjohnson@ebutler.esu7.org

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hola! I’d love to include a quote from you in a round-up post I’m writing for TakeLessons.com, with tips for Spanish students. I could not find your email address, so if you’re interested in helping, please email me at sstgeorge@takelessons.com so we can chat! Thanks! 🙂

  2. Hi there! Are you teaching in Lincoln, NE or Lincoln, ND. Actually, I don’t know if there IS a Lincoln, ND, but on the FB iFLT/NTPRS/CI page someone posted a map of people around the country who have blogs and I found yours because it was listed as a ND blog!!! I live in ND, and am struggling to get the CI Word out and am hoping to sweep the state with the “fever.” I would love a partner in crime! I’m thinking you are in NE, and not ND, though.

    • Sorry, definitely Nebraska and there’s actually quite a few of us CI geeks here. We’re very lucky that our former state coordinator is very CI friendly and has been able to coordinate bringing both Carol Gaab and Martina Bex here to facilitate workshops for NE teachers to attend for free. I have a couple friends up the SoDak way but not sure if they’re full TPRS/CI converts yet. Wish I could help you more, but thanks for reading!

  3. ¡Felicitaciones, Señorita Johnson!

    For breaking the Status Quo and think out of the box by innovating in your Spanish classes. That’s the best approach specially for young learners.

    Si quieres, puedes responder en español, puesto que es mi idioma nativo.

    ¡Muchas gracias y muchos éxitos!

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